Admission 2025-26
1. New Admissions begin in the Mid of November every year.
2. In order to seek admission the registration form can be obtained from the school office on payment of the prescribed fee.
3. Minimum age in years for Admission is Nursery (3+), LKG (4+), UKG (5+) and Class-1 (6+).
4. Registration does not in any way guarantee admission. The school reserves the right to accept or reject any application for admission without assigning any reason.
5. The registration form must be filled in every respect and returned to the school within the time mentioned by the school office.
6. Right to admission is reserved with the school management.
7. Official birth certificate in support of the date of birth is essential for admission.
8. Affidavits are not accepted as valid certificates.
9. Admission of your child to the school will mean complete acceptance by the parents/guardians of all school rules in force or amended from time to time. Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the school authorities.
10. Transfer certificate from a recognized school only will be considered for admission along with mark sheet of the examination passed.
11. Transfer case students admitted late during the term are allowed to join after an undertaking from parents regarding loss of time.
12. The school gives admission to the disadvantaged & economically backward children in class-I only under the RTE Act according to the norms set by the government.
13. Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the school authorities.
Withdrawal or Dismissal
1. If a child has to be withdrawn from school, parents are requested to give one month ’s notice in writing, failing which, one month's fee will be charged in lieu thereof.
2. All prescribed dues must be cleared before applying for school leaving certificate.
3. The school reserves the right to dismiss any child from the school at any time, on any one of the following grounds :
a. Repeated absence of child for ten consecutive days without information
b. Non payment of fees
c. Undesirable conduct of a child
d. Constant poor performance in studies
e. Bunking classes
Guidelines for Parents
To achieve our aim, the school seeks the co-operation of the parents as every child is a joint responsibility of the school and the parents.
1. Parents/guardians are strongly recommended to attend Parents Teacher Meet (compulsorily) in the general interest of the child.
2. Remarks made by the Principal or teacher in the school diary are required to be countersigned by the parents/guardians. To this end the diary should be regularly checked. The school diary is a link between the school and parents.
3. Parents/guardians are encouraged to seek clarification on all matters pertaining to their wards.
4. In case of legitimate complaint or a matter requiring serious attention, the class teacher should be promptly contacted.
5. Parents/guardians are requested to notify the school of any change of address. Full address and telephone number should be listed on the first page of the school diary.
6. Parents/guardians and visitors are not allowed to visit the academic blocks during school hours. In case of necessity when students or teachers are to be met, prior permission from the Principal is required.
7. Parents/guardians are advised to send water bottle & tiffin from home.
8. Where special precautions regarding health, are to be taken for a particular student, parents/guardians are advised to make a written request to the Principal.
9. Parents/guardians must ensure good health of their ward by regular medical checkups including dental and eyes.
10. Parents must ensure personal hygiene of children like trimming of nails, regular hair cut, neat uniform, polished shoes.
11. Parents/guardians must restrict their wards against purchase of food or refreshment from street vendors after/before the school hours.
12. Absence from class for social functions is strongly discouraged. Parents are responsible for any loss to the performance of their wards due to this.
13. The school is not responsible for the where about of the absentees.
14. Taking half day leave for the students is not allowed except in case of emergency. Parents are requested not to encourage their wards for the same. However, prior information is compulsory for half day.
15. As the medium of instruction in the school is English, a certain amount of regular conversation in English at home will help your ward to follow his/her classroom instructions easily.
16. The school strongly discourages private tuition. If the child's performance is not satisfactory, parents should contact the Principal for guidance.
17. The Report card of Term & Final Examination is given only to the parents/guardians.